Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 118: Eccentric Training

Update: I complete the two weeks with pretty good results.  I didn't follow the plan to the letter.  I did walk every day, or use the Wii Fit when time was short or the weather didn't cooperate.  However, I didn't follow their walking plan.  I am pushing a stroller and walking with a 3 year old, so things don't always go as planned. :) And I didn't have any weights to use until I was almost done with the second week, so I'm sure I would have had even better results if I had followed their advice precisely.  The week following my two week experiment, our whole family was hit with the flu, so I lost that week.  Yuck.  Side benefit- I still lost weight.  Probably more than I would have without it! :) So this week, I began again.  This time I have weights to use, so we'll see how it goes.  I'm also alternating workouts on the Wii to keep things from getting boring.  After the first two weeks, I had lost 3 pounds and definite inches.  I don't know how much, because I didn't measure myself before starting, but I did try on a dress before and after.  It was too tight to wear before the workouts, and now it fits nicely.  So that's progress!  I'm motivated and excited to keep going.  I found that the second week was much easier than the first, as far as the individual exercises go.  Some were crazy hard at first, but once your body gets over the "Wait, what are you doing to me?" phase, it gets easier.  Good luck! 

I'm three days in to a new fitness schedule I thought I would try.  Now that the weather is finally cooler in the mornings, I've been getting back to walking for exercise.  But since I have a concrete goal in mind and the Holiday season is just around the corner, I thought I'd better look for something to give it a little jump start.  I don't know if I will really "lose a size" in two weeks, but I can definitely feel the effects of the workouts!  

They are based on something called eccentric training.  It works your muscles harder to go in "slow motion" and gets faster results.  I won't try to rephrase the article.  Just click here for the info and a step by step instructions for each exercise.  Good luck :)

Shrink a Size in 14 Days This revolutionary, science-backed workout is reader tested and can help you shed up to 12 pounds and 22 inches in just 2 weeks. Pin now, do later. Definitely going to give it a try for two weeks!!!!

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