Friday, August 17, 2012

Day 71: Sand Writing Box

Henry, my middle son, is going to be 4 in November.  He's starting to show interest in learning letters, numbers, counting, writing, etc.  I don't have plans for formal preschool, but when school starts next week for big brother, Henry and I will be spending some time every day doing "school" so he doesn't feel left out.  

My Product Tester

I saw this idea for a sand writing activity and thought it would be easy enough to do at home.  We had a bag of play sand in the garage, and Bryce's pencil box from last year (I have no idea why he ended up with a pink one-I'm sure I sent him to school with a blue one), so Henry and I did a quick test run together.  He's still at the table playing with his sandbox, so I'd say it was a success!  I didn't have the cool colored sand that this teacher did, but the idea is the same.  It's also a great sensory activity if you use fingers instead of a pencil! When you're finished, just store the unsharpened pencil in the box with the sand for next time.

Learning Letters is Fun!

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