Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 255: How to Make your Bedroom More Romantic

11 tips to make your bedroom a bit more romantic | How Does She...

I saw this post from and I immediately cringed.  I already know exactly what it's going to say, and I know exactly where I'm failing.  It's so true that over the years our bedroom has become the "dumping ground" for the house.  It's the only room in the house that doesn't have people wandering through it when I teach lessons, so it's where things go to hide.    It used to be a haven and place for romance.  It should still be that way, but sometimes we let life get in the way.  Now that Valentine's Day is over and the "obligatory romance" has come and gone, I thought it would be a good time to address this need in our homes.  How are you doing in this area of life/marriage/love/romance?

1. Make your bed. Every single morning. It takes less than 2 minutes and defines the space as being “important”. Unmade beds = Unromantic.
I'm pretty good about this because I hate the way a messy bed makes the room look

2. Personalize your space. Add pictures, memorabilia, sentimental gifts, ANYTHING that reminds you of the love you and your spouse share.
Still doing OK here :) I love to personalize a room.

3. Add more pillows. Have you ever walked into a 4 or 5-star hotel and seen two flat, pancake/frisbee-looking pillows? I think not! Flat pillows were for college dorm rooms, not a master suite.
My husband would disagree about the MORE pillows because he always makes fun of having to "find" the bed under the pillows.  But NEW pillows to replace the flattened ones more often would be a plus. 

4. Don’t let clutter gather in your bedroom. 
A toy dinosaur.  Loose jewelry.  1/2 a load of folded laundry.  Receipts.  A wooden block.  Water bottles.  That's what is on top of my dresser right now.  Guilty, guilty, guilty!!!

5. Add a little mood lighting. Try to avoid flipping on your ceiling light. Opt to use your bedside lamps, and occasionally candles. Bow-chicka-bow-wow. ;)
For some reason, our bedside lamps are as bright as the sun.  I need to replace the bulbs.  I love candles!

6. Don’t do chores in your bedroom. No ironing, No piles, No folding clothes, NO PROJECTS.
I fold clothes in the bedroom sometimes because the trip to actually putting them away is much shorter.  I think the point here is FINISH what you start before bed time.

7. Make your room smell wonderful. Pillow mists, candles, Scentsy warmers, or fragrance plug-ins. Comfort, memories, and romance are linked to smells. Make your scent distinctive to your master bedroom (not the same scent as the rest of your home). If you are a Scentsy lover, I suggest Quiver, Be Still, Just Breathe, or Linen Sheets.
This is such an easy thing to do.  Duh! Just don't overdo it- nothing like gagging on "kiwi-strawberry vanilla sugar cookies" to kill the mood.

8. Make time for pillow talk. Pillow Talk: The sweet conversation you have with your spouse, no intimacy attached. Chatter about the kids, where you dream of taking your next vacation together, compliments towards each other, etc.
Hands down our favorite part of the day.  

9. Go to bed together. Decide on a time, and stick to it. No matter what. Pillow talk, or other romantic things, aren’t going to happen if you don’t go to bed together.
You can finish your show tomorrow.  This one seems like a no-brainer.

10. Keep the TV off. I admit it, I have a TV in my room. Sometimes I wish I didn’t because I strongly believe OTHER things should be happening in the bedroom. Don’t get me wrong, occasionally snuggling up to a good movie and dozing off is wonderful, but don’t make it a nightly habit.
We don't have a TV in our room and never will.  If we really want to snuggle under the covers to watch a movie, we'll use the laptop or the Kindle to stream Netflix.

11. Occasionally, dig into the nightie drawer. That’s right. Forget your flannel PJ’s, your favorite Old Navy pajama bottoms, or even your plain-Jane underwear. Invest in a few comfortable/sexy pj’s and wear them even when you aren’t “in the mood”. {I love Eberjey’s line}
If you look "cute and sexy" all the time, you won't have to worry about sending mixed signals when you pull out the lingerie.  I used to own an adorable pair of pj's that weren't "come hither" but they weren't "off limits" either.  I'm still looking for a replacement for those! 

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