Last Sunday, I posted about the perfect opportunity to show your love to your husband by sitting down and watching the Super Bowl with him. As mine is a die hard SF 49ers fan, he was fully invested in last week's game. Sadly, things did not go our way (SO CLOSE) but that night I discovered this in our journal:
Why I love you more than the 49ers (and the Giants)!
Today you wrote in your blog that you were going to show me you love me by watching the Super Bowl with me. You quit yourself well. You rode the roller coaster of ridiculous emotions with me and for that I'm grateful. I say "ridiculous" because, honestly, it bears no real importance. When I separate myself from my fanaticism I feel quite silly. But that is, I guess, what sports are.
What I mean to convey here is that I do love my sports teams and am prone to a broad gambit of emotions when I follow them, but they simply don't (actually "can't" is a better word) hold a candle to you. I love you so much more than I could ever love a sports team and I wanted to tell you why:
1. I support them; they don't support me- You do!
2. If something bad happens to them I am bummed (OK, upset...OK, irate) but if something bad happened to you I'd be devastated
3. They capture my attention for a couple of hours once a week. You captivate me always.
4. If they win, they win. If you win, I win!
5. They (somehow) give 110%; You give me all your heart.
6. They wear tight clothing; You look good in anything ;)
I love you so much and that is true and unchanging no matter how my teams do. I am and always will be your biggest fan.
Always yours,
See, what did I tell you? It worked ;) Happy Sunday, everyone!
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